Online Registration Is Closed

The Triangle Bible Study for 2024/25

The Spring semester begins Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7 p.m. and you can still register in-person by attending. After Tuesday evening registration is closed.

You are invited to join hundreds of people from all over the Triangle as we continue the book of Judges and begin Ruth. God’s Word is refreshing, challenging, and engaging. Our goal is to be taught, trained, and transformed by God’s Word. We meet on Tuesday nights for small group discussions and a large group lecture. The Spring registration is now open. Email us at if you need more information or have questions.


The Triangle Bible Study, formerly Monday Night Bible Study, begins a new study each fall. Fall registration begins online near the end of the current and in-person registration is available on the first night. The Fall Semester will take a break for Thanksgiving and Christmas (see Calendar) – please note an updated calendar is being worked on and will be available in September. Registration is open for the Fall Semester. (Those enrolled for the Fall DO NOT have to re-register). Note: Spring Semester registration closes after the first class for new attendees.


Every study is designed to sharpen your Bible study and life application skills so you can better live out your faith at home, in the church, and in the marketplace. Each week you will meet with a small group of peers to discuss the week’s lesson and to be encouraged to live strong. In addition, you have the advantage of large group teaching by Johnny & Beth Evans


All men and women are welcome to join us, regardless of church affiliation or Bible study experience. The Triangle Bible Study is even ideal for those beginning to study God’s Word. You are among friends who are learning with you. The Triangle Bible Study is sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It is not affiliated with any specific denomination or church and is open to all. It meets at Providence Church which has the accommodations for the large numbers of people who attend.

Johnny and Beth Evans provide insightful teaching with a personal challenge from God’s Word each week.