The Spring semester begins Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7 p.m.

Online registration is closed, but you may still register in person at the first meeting on January 7th.

Starting with the book of Judges, this fascinating study looks at the resulting confusion, rebellion and misery when a nation “does its own thing.” The book of Ruth is a great story of love, faithfulness, redemption, and the line of Christ.

Someone has called the book of Judges the account of the Dark Ages of the Israelite people. There was no king and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. This book records cycles of the people falling away from God, forgetting that God had chosen them for a purpose, punishment for their sins by oppression by their enemies, repentance and crying to God for mercy, and God hearing them and sending a judge to deliver them. 

There were fourteen judges that ruled at different times and places covering what is believed about 350 years. There were three types – warrior judges, priest judges, and prophet judges. The chief judges were Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Samuel.

The book of Ruth is delightful story that takes place in the time of the first chapters of Judges. Ruth was the great-grandmother of David and this book establishes the lineage of David, the ancestor of Christ. It tells of the beginning of the Messianic family within the Messianic nation into which, over a thousand years later, the Messiah was to be born.

The study began in the Fall, registration is open now for the Spring Semester. Registration is always FREE and is open to all adults regardless of church affiliation, no-affiliation, or Bible study experience. We meet weekly at Providence church. We have changed our name from The Monday Night Bible Study to Triangle Bible Study, and we now meet on Tuesday nights. 

Triangle Bible Study (formerly Monday Night Bible Study) is a great mix of personal study, lecture insights, small group interaction, and optional commentary notes. This is also a great way to connect to God’s Word and come to know Him better. The study’s weekly gathering of small groups and lecture time will help you stick with it and grow.

The study notes and lessons are only available online.  The lessons, lecture notes, lecture videos, lecture audio, and commentaries (optional) will be posted each week. The Fall semester notes are available for you to print out as single pages or front and back for a notebook. There will also be a link to a cover design that you can download and print in color.

Study notes will also be posted on the Lessons page.

These remarkable books of the Bible are just as relevant today as the day they were written. This study is perfect if you are new to studying God’s Word or have been walking with Christ for a long time. It’s more than time well spent in God’s life giving words. It is also time well spent with others who want more from life than the world can offer.

If you would like to help cover the operating expenses of the Triangle Bible Study, we invite you to pray about giving an offering. All giving is strictly optional.

Our Vision & Mission

The mission of Triangle Bible Study is for every class member to be “taught, trained and transformed” by the study of God’s Word.

Triangle Bible Study’s purpose is to sharpen your Bible study and life application skills so you can better live out your faith in the home, church, and marketplace. We accomplish this through:


  • Personal Bible study and reflection
  • Small group discussion
  • Lesson lectures with Johnny and Beth Evans

Studying God’s Word

Small Group Discussion

First-Hand Stories of Growing in Christ

Added Insights through Lectures for Each Lesson